Hello. I have just been diagnosed as type 2 at age of 63. I am not taking medication as my doctor has advised to firstly exercise and weight loss .


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have posted a question regarding what to take while I am training for a 40 mile walk and would appreciate any advice you have. Many thanks. Brian
Ehm, why have you created a post to tell us that you've written another post?

Tip: use the subject line to state what the post is about. Use the post to ask a question.

Welcome to the forum!
Ehm, why have you created a post to tell us that you've written another post?

Tip: use the subject line to state what the post is about. Use the post to ask a question.

Welcome to the forum!
I was just introducing myself and letting people know why I have joined.
That's fine.
I'm a year older than you and diagnosed Type 2 for about 18 months.
One of the important indicators is your HbA1c blood test results. That will give you and us an idea of how far into the diabetic range you are and how much lifestyle adjustment might be required - hopefully without medication.
I'm still gobsmacked at anyone walking 40 miles!! Gosh, impressive!!!!!!
Welcome to the forum @nuttyneary

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis :(

Ask away with any questions you have, or simply use the forum as a place to offload, express any worries or frustrations, or exchange ideas with others who ‘get it’.

Good luck with your 40 mile walk :)