Hello, I am a newbie

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, I am new to this forum. I have recently been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I am beginning to adjust to my new eating plan, but I yearn for hot chocolate drink also kitkat and coffee. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can substitute thes for. any advice greatly appreciated :confused:
Hello, I am new to this forum. I have recently been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I am beginning to adjust to my new eating plan, but I yearn for hot chocolate drink also kitkat and coffee. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can substitute thes for. any advice greatly appreciated :confused:

Hi Sam,
not to sure what eating plan you have been given but it sounds 😱
Have a look at options chocolate drinks or sweeten coco as lower carb.

Why the heck can't you drink coffee :confused: Kitkats can be eaten as well just use a 2 finger bar and as a treat rather than an everyday thing. Or if you must have a 4 finger bar then go for a nice long walk whilst eating it.

Being type 2 you need to look at the carb content esp startchy carbs, so cut back on pasta rice spuds etc or even replace with something else.
Hello, I am new to this forum. I have recently been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I am beginning to adjust to my new eating plan, but I yearn for hot chocolate drink also kitkat and coffee. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can substitute thes for. any advice greatly appreciated :confused:

Hi Silkysam1, welcome to the forum 🙂 I would be interested to know what eating plan you have been given. My auntie was recently diagnosed with Type2 and the plan she was given was very outdated and totally inapporpriate - not saying yours is of course, but it is still quite common if doctors and nurses have not kept pace with the latest thinking.

Are you on any medication for your diabetes? There are a few suggestions for hot chocolate drinks here:


As Sue suggests, the occasional treat of a kit kat should not be a problem, and coffee is fine, but avoiding sugar in it, of course 🙂
I've long since been a coffee freak; at the beginning of December I got myself a Tassimo machine, because they were half-RRP (?50 instead of ?100) at Argos.🙂
Welcome to the forum Silkysam1 🙂

I'm another who likes my coffee 😉
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