Hello Guys !!!! New to the forum.


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm new to the forum. I hope everyone is having a good start to the year. Just had my HBa1c and it was 116. Its a wake up call for me. I want to have my life back so any success story will be appreciated. My major problem is my diet . If I can tackle that , i'll beat this disease. I'm on metformin , gliclazide and I have just been started on linagliptin which I will start this weekend. I will have another blood test in 6 weeks. I am keeping faith alive and will keep you guys informed. Thanks.
I'm new to the forum. I hope everyone is having a good start to the year. Just had my HBa1c and it was 116. Its a wake up call for me. I want to have my life back so any success story will be appreciated. My major problem is my diet . If I can tackle that , i'll beat this disease. I'm on metformin , gliclazide and I have just been started on linagliptin which I will start this weekend. I will have another blood test in 6 weeks. I am keeping faith alive and will keep you guys informed. Thanks.
Hi jean412, welcome to the forum :) Goodness, that is a high HbA1c :eek: :( Have you been diagnosed long? It might be an idea to start from scratch as though you are newly-diagnosed - put the past behind you and start looking to the future. Take a fresh look at things, it's quite possible that there are things you might discover now that you were never told in the past.

I'd suggest having a read of Maggie Davey's letter and see how it fits in with how you have been managing (of not managing!) things up to now. Do you test before and after eating? If not, I would recommend starting - read Test,Review, Adjust by Alan S to see how it can really help to inform your choices :)

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, we will be happy to help in any way we can :)
Wow @jean412 welcome to forum,:) your HbA1c as @Northerner says is very high I hope you feel ok. You have come to the right place just read and learn, you`re correct diet is a big factor so is testing your Blood Glucose levels. Other members will be along to give you advice and welcome you, ask anything you like, take care.
Thanks everyone. I really feel welcome and cherished. I will work relentlessly to lower my hba1c. I will keep you guys updated. Thanks once more.