Hello from Zhaozhang

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zhaozhang SUN

Relationship to Diabetes
Dear all,

I hope this message finds you well.

I'm zhaozhang, I just joined the forum and I'd love to say hello to all of you.

all the best wishes,
Hi and welcome! 🙂
Hi @zhaozhang SUN and welcome to the forum. 🙂 It says you’re a researcher - what’s your area of interest?
Hi @Bloden, nice to meet you. Thank you so much for your reply. I'm now a third-year PhD student at KCL and I'm currently doing research on diabetes, mainly focusing on exploring effective communication strategies that may be beneficial for people’s diabetes-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, especially the potential role that key diabetes-related social media influencers may play in influencing people's health. I'm very much looking forward to sharing more with all of you and getting your perspective on this issue. However, I can't introduce too much or post any related links until I got the permission from our forum😛 (always happy to share any information about my research)
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