Hello everybody, newbie here


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi all

Sorry if I'm rambling a bit. Completely new and feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm officially at risk of diabetes but awaiting HbA1C blood results but all signs and symptoms are pointing towards a positive diabetes diagnosis. I also had most of the symptoms of pre-diabetes, including thrush. That one was a complete surprise to me! I thought I was coping with things ok, but at a surprise to myself, broke down whilst having the blood taken. I also have anxiety and depression so those times of comfort eating appear to be catching up.

I was wondering, is it normal for a full blood count, GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD, and AKI tests to be performed along with the HbA1C test? I thought it was only HbA1C they would do.

Before joining this forum I took plenty of time to read lots of other threads and was amazed at how supportive everybody is towards each other.

Many thanks and kind regards.
Hi all

Sorry if I'm rambling a bit. Completely new and feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm officially at risk of diabetes but awaiting HbA1C blood results but all signs and symptoms are pointing towards a positive diabetes diagnosis. I also had most of the symptoms of pre-diabetes, including thrush. That one was a complete surprise to me! I thought I was coping with things ok, but at a surprise to myself, broke down whilst having the blood taken. I also have anxiety and depression so those times of comfort eating appear to be catching up.

I was wondering, is it normal for a full blood count, GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD, and AKI tests to be performed along with the HbA1C test? I thought it was only HbA1C they would do.

Before joining this forum I took plenty of time to read lots of other threads and was amazed at how supportive everybody is towards each other.

Many thanks and kind regards.
Welcome to the forum.
Yes it is usual to do the other blood tests as there may be something picked up in a full blood count that may cause an elevated HbA1C like infection, anaemia and they check kidney function as if not normal that might affect the choice of medication if needed. They will often do a cholesterol level as well.
I hope you have picked up some hints for making some lifestyle changes if you indeed get a diagnosis which would be from your HbA1C being over 47mmol/mol. Hopefully if it is not too much over that you will be given the opportunity to make some dietary changes before being prescribed medication.
Even if you are still in the prediabetes range then it will do no harm to make some changes in reducing your carbohydrate intake.
Hello @Tractor_Boy1979 and welcome to the forum. The blood tests you mentioned apart from the HbA1c relate to your kidney functioning. I don't know if it is standard test for newly diagnosed pre- diabetes or diabetes. You need to ask your GP. I had several tests done prior to diagnosis as they were looking for possible causes of unexpected weight loss. Turns out that I have diabetes. Whatever your hbA1c result is, being newly diagnosed takes time to adjust to. I have also found the members of the forum very helpful and supportive. Lots of links to useful information. Wishing you well for the future.
Hello @Tractor_Boy1979 and welcome to the forum. The blood tests you mentioned apart from the HbA1c relate to your kidney functioning. I don't know if it is standard test for newly diagnosed pre- diabetes or diabetes. You need to ask your GP. I had several tests done prior to diagnosis as they were looking for possible causes of unexpected weight loss. Turns out that I have diabetes. Whatever your hbA1c result is, being newly diagnosed takes time to adjust to. I have also found the members of the forum very helpful and supportive. Lots of links to useful information. Wishing you well for the future.
I am seeing your diagnosis history and if your medication regime is not working and you still have a high Hba1C then there are some red flags for Type 1, weight loss, very high HbA1C so it would be worthwhile asking for the tests to rule out Type 1.
Your story sounds familiar to a friend who after 2 years of unsuccessful treatment as Type 2 was diagnosed as Type 1and they are nearly 80 years old.
Hi @Tractor_Boy1979 and welcome!

Sorry you've had to join us, but as you could already tell yourself - there's a lot of gathered knowledge and experience, as well as support here. So any advice you might need or any questions that might linger after you get information from your blood tests - ask away. Managing your physical and mental health can be a challenge, so take it a day at a time - we accept celebrations and rants alike here. Keep us posted on what you find out <3
I am seeing your diagnosis history and if your medication regime is not working and you still have a high Hba1C then there are some red flags for Type 1, weight loss, very high HbA1C so it would be worthwhile asking for the tests to rule out Type 1.
Your story sounds familiar to a friend who after 2 years of unsuccessful treatment as Type 2 was diagnosed as Type 1and they are nearly 80 years old.
Hi @Leadinglights , I won't get a new HbA1c test until end September/ early October but I have seen positive changes since taking Gliclazide. As I have a fingerprick test meter now I have been recording daily bg checks over the last month. It has reduced from 14 to 15 mmol/l to between 5 and 7 pre meals and post meal rise has dropped from 8 to 2 or 3 difference in bg level. I have also reduced carbs to 150g per day after reading several comments of how effective other people have found it. Now in the process of tweaking the types of carbs to see how that affects bg levels after each meal. Happy so far with progress. Will keep you posted after next hba1c result.
Hi @Leadinglights , I won't get a new HbA1c test until end September/ early October but I have seen positive changes since taking Gliclazide. As I have a fingerprick test meter now I have been recording daily bg checks over the last month. It has reduced from 14 to 15 mmol/l to between 5 and 7 pre meals and post meal rise has dropped from 8 to 2 or 3 difference in bg level. I have also reduced carbs to 150g per day after reading several comments of how effective other people have found it. Now in the process of tweaking the types of carbs to see how that affects bg levels after each meal. Happy so far with progress. Will keep you posted after next hba1c result.
WELL DONE. That is all evidence of just how well the changes you have made have impacted on your diabetes. It is great that you have found strategies that have worked for you.
Welcome to the forum @Tractor_Boy1979

Just to reassure you about the number of tests run, this very much seems to be the norm. A lot of diabetes care involves screening and checking for how various bodily systems are getting along, so it would be rare for me to only have one vial of blood taken.

It’s almost always 3 or 4 vials and along the lines of Tony Hancock’s “very nearly an armful”