Hello Diabetes UK

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this group and looking forward to learning more about the best lifestyle and food to manage my diabetes.

Currently, I'm following a low carbs diet after having nutrition's6 weeks of training referred by my GP in December 2019.

Happy to share my results as I have reduced 6-8Kg weight and now under recommended BMI.

But I feel little energy less and week stamina. If anyone can suggest me better to manage on this part then would be appreciated.

Many thanks
Hello @saurabhshcs welcome to the forum. Well done with your weight loss. I dont know much about managing on a low carb diet myself, am learning lots from posts here though and I’m sure someone with a bit more experience/knowledge around it will be along to share their wisdom with you. I think increasing fat intake helps some to feel more energetic but I will leave it up to those more expert to advise properly.
Hi and welcome.
Was your weight loss intentional? It sounds like you didn't have much to lose if you are now below normal BMI.

Can you tell us what your HbA1c was at diagnosis and when you were diagnosed and how that came about... ie routine blood test or if you were suffering symptoms of diabetes? Have you been given any medication or are you just managing it with diet and exercise?

Do you have a Blood Glucose meter to test your BG levels at home? If so, can you tell us the sort of readings you are getting.... if you don't have a meter, many people find that self funding one is hugely beneficial in working out an appropriate diet for their diabetes as the sort of foods we can eat and portion size can vary quite a bit from one diabetic to another.

As @LucyDUK suggests, increasing your fat intake will stop you from losing any more weight and provide energy.
Most people get the majority of their calories (energy) from carbohydrates, but if we cut right back on those because we are diabetic and eat low carb, our bodies have to be provided with an alternative source of fuel. There are only 3 types of food which can provide this, carbohydrates, protein and fat. If we do not provide it with more protein and fat, it will burn it's own stores and you will lose body fat and muscle mass (lose weight). This is great for people who are overweight or obese as losing weight helps their diabetes, because the excess fat they are carrying causes insulin resistance.
If you are now below a normal BMI then you are unlikely to have insulin resistance and this is where knowing your Blood Glucose levels would come in handy, because if your readings are still high then that can make you fatigued and it would suggest that you have possibly been misdiagnosed, and could be Type 1.

If you can supply us with more information about readings and medication etc that would be useful, but in general you need to eat more fat and protein to provide the calories you are not getting from carbohydrate. Things like cheese and nuts and cream.... I have double cream in my coffee every morning instead of milk because it is lower in carbs and higher in fat. It tastes really good so I don't feel deprived and the fat helps to keep me feeling full for longer and provides slow release energy to keep me going all day, whereas carbs work like a turbo boost giving you a surge of energy but then a lull.

Not sure I have explained that as well as I usually would but more information from you might help.
Hiya - I've nowt to add to what Barbara's just said. Knowing your answers to her questions will inform us better to try and suggest helpful things to you, so don't avoid them please if you want someone to try and help!
Welcome to the forum Saurabhshcs from a fellow T2.
Mostly it's other diabetics you'll see on here, rather than Diabetes UK.
Welcome to the forum @saurabhshcs 🙂

Look forward to hearing more of your story over the coming weeks. Feel free to ask any questions you have - nothing will be considered too obvious or ‘silly’. 🙂
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