Hello - Dancing with Diabetes - A Rhythm of Resilience. Hannah Jones' story.

What amazing talent your daughter, Hannah, has @GAJones. Thank you for sharing this with the community. The video raises some very important issues people living with diabetes can face, especially when having to deal with stigma, discrimination and judgements. I hope this video can empower and inspire other people to embrace their diabetes when following their dreams!

Would you and Hannah be okay with me sharing this with the Diabetes UK Stories team? I think it's too good not to be seen!
Hello @GAJones, Hannah's Mum.

I watched Hannah's video with interest. I have a grand-daughter in her mid teens who is obsessed with dancing (free dance), who was born in Gibraltar and who we rarely see - except when she is here in UK, either competing in various competitions (and winning prizes, he said very proudly) or here for surgery to repair her dance injuries! She is not diabetic, thankfully. But she currently is determined to find a career in dancing. So I was intrigued.

Hannah's video is inspiring but in a way so sad that young ladies have to find a "mindset" to hold their own in any work place or industry and match that with an additional confidence and strength of character today. Specifically because they are diabetic.
Thanks you @GAJones for sharing Hannah’s video, and welcome to the forum.