Hello - Can I come back in please?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello - not been around for many months and I've missed you.
I've been trying to deal with another period of depression whilst working on my last OU course (the exam was a disaster so a re-sit is most likely :(), family problems abound and a general feeling of being totally p-off about my diabetes. BUT,the blackness has finally lifted and I'm determined to get back on track at last. I have read loads of threads and they have been so helpful in making me sit up and take more notice of what I'm doing to myself. Made a list of positive things to do:-
1. I have changed my diet to lower the carb intake - my BG levels have risen and the weight has gone back on during the year, so trying to tackle that issue now. (Review next week - not looking forward to that 😱)
2. To recognise that some of the depression issues are down to loneliness - so return to the forum, get some support from those 'in the know' but also give support to others who are struggling. Friends are important.
3. I have rediscovered my love of sewing and particularly quilting, so lots of ideas there.
Taking baby steps at the moment - feeling a bit wobbly after just writing this!
Thanks for reading - nice to be back 😉
Hi Karen

Welcome back 🙂

Loving your 1-2-3 list. I may adopt that myself (though I may switch quilting for something else 😉 ).

Hi Karen lovely to see you back on the boards hun, sorry to hear you have been feeling low, i suffer with depression myself and know how dibilitating it can be.BUT your back and by the sounds of it your doing great, the list you made is great making goals is always the way to go and its great when you can stick to it and achieve.You will never be alone on here hun we are all a great big forum family here for one another.
sewing is a great hobby i love it my mother in law got me into it and i make things for people at xmas, im currently doing a santa claus stuck in a chimney lol .x
Remember you dont have to be on your own Karen.xx
It's great to see you back, your list of positives is a wonderful idea. Welcome back.
Hi karen.

Don't worry about your review, bad or not. They're there to help, not to tell you off. Ask them what they can do to get you back on track at your pace, rather than a list of their requirements to make their statistics balance.

Talking to, and being with, supportive people is an absolute positive. Ignore those who try to burden you with their own worries. Feed off their cheeriness and you may find it inspires you to keep climbing.

And the occasional treat as a reward (but never to drown your sorrows!) may help too.

Hi Karen! Welcome back! 🙂 Lovely to see you posting again. Sounds like you have a good plan and hoepfully we'll be able to help keep you motivated! Have a look at the weight-loss section - very supportive and keeps you on track with your goals. Don't worry about your review - whatever thay say about the past, it's the PAST, so you can concentrate now on using that as a starting point for your improvements.
Welcome back and happy quilting - post a picture when you have finished.🙂Bev
Hi Karen - lovely to 'see' you back! 🙂 ((((hug!))))

Twitchy x
Hi, I'm pretty new myself so I guesss I just wanted to say hello!! - I'm thinking of going back to sewing too as it may help me take my mind off food!!!
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