Hello All from a overwhelmed newbie to type 2 - may this year


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I had a blood test in November as I had not felt well on and off (on reflection for a long time before). I stopped smoking on 24th September after 20 a day over 40 years and for the first 3 months put on a lot of weight. I was put on a pre diabetic programme that was online as face to face was during work time. My Hba1c was 42. I had a lot of stress going on and I was not getting my head around anything especially looking after me! The course was good but the person working with me would not accept I could not eat fish without feeling sick and kept sending me fish recipes, I tried but was sick from eating the fish so I switched off and left the programme. I did loose 10kg by May by making healthier choices.
In May I experienced dry mouth, blurred vision etc and to the extent I had to get 2 eye test and different prescriptions.
At my new job in the second week i had what I know now as a Hyper, had to call home for someone to come and get me even though I drove to work and went straight to my GP. They have a blood pressure machine in reception my blood pressure was 79 (I can’t remember the bottom number) I did it again 10 mins later and it went down to 69 I handed the reading to reception who told me a gp would look at this. I went home as felt exhausted. A call from gp and as it was a Friday on the bank holiday weekend I was advised if I felt worse to go to a&e and was given an appointment for the following week. I then was getting chest pains, breathlessness etc. I went to A&E and after many hours and a blood test I was told it was probably stress/anxiety to go home but come back if symptoms got worse. I was upset and confused as I really did not feel well. I cried quite a lot that day as I felt it was more than mental health (I don’t have any previous diagnosis for mental health).
I went back to GP (took another week to get an appointment) and I requested a full blood test, due to previous health condition.
I then had to chase for the results and was advised that the Nurse was going to call me back. I bought a glucose testing monitor and my bloods were 32- 33 and 2 days later I called again to be told by the receptionist that Hab1c was slightly raised at 92 and someone would call me. I was told I had diabetes needed to take meds asap and needed tests on my pancreas as this level could indicate cancer of the pancreas. Had scans that week and thankfully it was clear.
I was prescribed metformin but started to get leg cramps and although healthy eating and some exercise stopped loosing weight. I am finally going to speak to a gp this week but I am starting to have side effects to the medication I am on.
I think I then experienced Diabetes Overload and became overwhelmed. My own readings are now between 5.5 and 12 daily.
I saw a gp a month ago told her I was not feeling well and was due a diabetic blood test and could I have a thyroid test as both of these are in the family and I need to know what my Hab1c as it had been 3 months etc. I had the blood test and the gp did not request the diabetic test!
I am seeing a gp this week to talk about meds and will have to have another test to see how I am doing. I just feel I will have question each step and advice moving forward. I seem to be more hungry now than before I was on medication. I am also now anxious about the blood test and what the results will be.
Welcome to the forum.
You must be dreadfully shaken up by all this, but at least now you where you stand, and you have the opportunity to improve your health.
While heathy eating plus some exercise is always the best way forward, be sure to adopt diet and exercise plans that you are comfortable with as a new lifestyle, rather than a time limited 'fix'.
Please feel free to ask questions and someone will be able to share their experiences.
Welcome to the forum, it sounds as if you have had a traumatic introduction to your diagnosis, unfortunately high blood glucose can cause many different symptoms which will vary between people. Your Hba1C result of 92mmol/mol was not just a bit high but was well into the diabetic zone so it would be usual to start on some oral medication like metformin and be advised to make dietary changes. However there is no need to eat foods you do not like as there are plenty of foods which you can eat.
Many find a low carbohydrate approach successful and this link may give you some ideas for meals without eating the dreaded fish. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Metformin is a medication which helps the body use the insulin it produces more effectively and reduces the release of glucose by the liver rather than acting on food directly. But it still needs dietary changes. Some strategic testing of your meals may be helpful to identify foods which you do not tolerate well. Testing before you eat and after 2 hours when an increase of no more than 2-3mmol/l would be OK, as your levels come down then your aim is 4-7 fasting and before meals and no more than 8.5mmol/l after 2 hours.
Hello there @Lisaaa and welcome to the forum.The news of your diagnosis must have been a huge shock...it was a huge shock for me when I was told I was T1D two and half years ago.
Welcome to the forum, it sounds as if you have had a traumatic introduction to your diagnosis, unfortunately high blood glucose can cause many different symptoms which will vary between people. Your Hba1C result of 92mmol/mol was not just a bit high but was well into the diabetic zone so it would be usual to start on some oral medication like metformin and be advised to make dietary changes. However there is no need to eat foods you do not like as there are plenty of foods which you can eat.
Many find a low carbohydrate approach successful and this link may give you some ideas for meals without eating the dreaded fish. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Metformin is a medication which helps the body use the insulin it produces more effectively and reduces the release of glucose by the liver rather than acting on food directly. But it still needs dietary changes. Some strategic testing of your meals may be helpful to identify foods which you do not tolerate well. Testing before you eat and after 2 hours when an increase of no more than 2-3mmol/l would be OK, as your levels come down then your aim is 4-7 fasting and before meals and no more than 8.5mmol/l after 2 hours.
Thank you
I had a gp appointment today and am being referred for scan on my pancreas as they can’t understand how I lost 10kg but my Hba1C was 94 in May. Also a kidney function test.

My question is do I need to fast when having a Hba1C blood test? My gp said I did not have to but I have little faith in the whole system. Why wait till Sept to do more tests?
No, you do not need to fast for an HbA1c test. It is a measure of how much glucose is stuck to your red blood cells and each red blood cell lives for about 3 months, so fasting the morning the test is taken makes no difference to the result, therefore you do not need to fast.
No, you do not need to fast for an HbA1c test. It is a measure of how much glucose is stuck to your red blood cells and each red blood cell lives for about 3 months, so fasting the morning the test is taken makes no difference to the result, therefore you do not need to fast.
Thank you
I had a gp appointment today and am being referred for scan on my pancreas as they can’t understand how I lost 10kg but my Hba1C was 94 in May. Also a kidney function test.

Hope the scans provide some clarity for you, and point the way forward to an effective treatment plan.

Your HbA1c seemed to leap up a few notches too - from 42 to 92 in about 6 months if I understand your dates correctly?

Welcome to the forum @Lisaaa
@Lisaaa with the quick acceleration of your diabetes and the weight loss, it might be worth asking about antibody tests and/or c-peptide test in case you're actually type 1 not type 2. Particularly given that you say there is a history of thyroid problems in your family, and autoimmune conditions in general can run in families even if no one previously has been diagnosed with diabetes