Hello Again :)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
It's been some time since I was last here - I had been cruising along quite nicely with my Type 2 until the end of November last year when I had a nasty fall and fractured a couple of vertebrae :( I subsequently spent the best part of the following month in bed in a great deal of pain. As a result of being so inactive and not being able to walk "normally" since I now have issues with hip/knee pain which travels down through my shin to my ankle to boot. Due to swollen ankles and the leg pain Physio asked for blood tests for heart failure and Myeloma to be included in my next blood panel - happy to say that both of those have proved negative.

I had a diabetes review at the beginning of this year and my Hba1C levels were higher than previously so my Diabetes Nurse included 40gr Gliclazide twice a day to my meds (that's as well as Metformin 1000mg twice a day and Dipaglifozin 10mg once a day) with another review to follow end of May. The latest lot of blood tests show my blood glucose levels at the highest they have ever been since I was diagnosed back in 2014 - over 70 😱 so nurse has upped my Gliclazide to 80mg before breakfast with 40mg before my evening meal.

I'm trying to adjust my food intake to fewer carbs (already good about anything containing sugars) but it's proving difficult for a number of reasons. I also get regular flare ups of Colitis and diet for that is counter productive to both my diabetes and my heart health (I had a quadruple heart by pass back in 2015). Diabetes and heart call for a diet high in fibre / fruit & veg whereas the diet for Colitis requires low fibre - i.e. white bread, white rice and low levels of fruit & veg. So I find myself in a catch 22 situation - controlling one condition aggravates another ! Plus if I don't have any carbs I can get acid indigestion. So where do I go from here to keep all parts of me working ?

Despite the Gliclazide my numbers are still too high. I'm still in a lot of pain from the fall and I'm pretty sure that the pain, taken with the steroids that my GP prescribed for my latest Colitis flare up has contributed to my high numbers.

So does anyone have any suggestions please ?
Just wanted to say in similar boat with spine injury plus bowel and GI disorders so battling with my diabetes and trying not to over eat, am thinking of you and can always chat if your fed up, on similar meds as well, best wishes Sarah
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