Hello….newly diagnosed…


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Just joined this site having been newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My levels are not terribly high 49 but my doctor has put me on metformin. Apart from a telephone call from my doctor and a very quick visit with the diabetic nurse, I’ve no idea what to expect in regards to ongoing care. The diabetic nurse wasn’t really much help, she just suggested watching what I eat and cutting back carbs. She did not look at my legs or feet even though I explained I was experiencing numbness and tingling. Didn’t weigh me or have much to say at all. She did book me in to have my circulation checked next month but that was it. Just seemed to pass everything back to my doctor. I do have a blood test booked for October to check blood sugars etc but I just expected more information. Would appreciate any advice on what care I should expect from here on.

Thanks for reading.
Hi all,

Just joined this site having been newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My levels are not terribly high 49 but my doctor has put me on metformin. Apart from a telephone call from my doctor and a very quick visit with the diabetic nurse, I’ve no idea what to expect in regards to ongoing care. The diabetic nurse wasn’t really much help, she just suggested watching what I eat and cutting back carbs. She did not look at my legs or feet even though I explained I was experiencing numbness and tingling. Didn’t weigh me or have much to say at all. She did book me in to have my circulation checked next month but that was it. Just seemed to pass everything back to my doctor. I do have a blood test booked for October to check blood sugars etc but I just expected more information. Would appreciate any advice on what care I should expect from here on.

Thanks for reading.
Welcome to the forum, your doctor is obviously one who reaches for the prescription in haste as many would be give 3 months to make some dietary changes before being given medication. However it is up to you as to whether you think that would work for you, even with metformin dietary changes are still needed.
Have a look at this link for some good ideas for modifying your diet, it is an approach which many have found successful. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
I reduced my HbA1C from 50 to 42 in 3 months following those principals of low carb.
You should get foot and retinal eye screening, and it is good you have a blood test in 3 months as that will check if the measures you have taken are being effective.
These days people have to take control over managing their condition and this forum can help, just ask questions and have a look around the forum. Your HbA1C is only just over the diagnostic threshold so some dietary changes should be sufficient to turn things round. Tingling can sometimes be vitamin deficiency so did you have your vit B12 and vit D checked.
Welcome to the forum, your doctor is obviously one who reaches for the prescription in haste as many would be give 3 months to make some dietary changes before being given medication. However it is up to you as to whether you think that would work for you, even with metformin dietary changes are still needed.
Have a look at this link for some good ideas for modifying your diet, it is an approach which many have found successful. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
I reduced my HbA1C from 50 to 42 in 3 months following those principals of low carb.
You should get foot and retinal eye screening, and it is good you have a blood test in 3 months as that will check if the measures you have taken are being effective.
These days people have to take control over managing their condition and this forum can help, just ask questions and have a look around the forum. Your HbA1C is only just over the diagnostic threshold so some dietary changes should be sufficient to turn things round. Tingling can sometimes be vitamin deficiency so did you have your vit B12 and vit D checked.
Thank you for your prompt reply and well done for taking control over your health.
I’ve already started a moderate low carb diet but will take a look at your link.
I checked myself in for the eye screening and thankfully all was fine. I’ve just finished a high dose of Vit D because that was low, however there has been no improvement. My B12 was normal.
Taking 1000g of meds and low carbing should hopefully see positive results from my blood test. I guess my biggest worry is nerve damage.
Welcome to the forum @Louise91

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but great to know you have leapt into action and are keen to get your diabetes to behave itself.

Sorry to hear you’ve experienced some changes in sensation / nerves. Keeping your glucose levels as in-range and stable as possible can help improve things, and significantly reduce the risk of any changes to your nerves progressing.

Hopefully you will get some reassurance at the circulation check-up that has been booked.

In terms of your ongoing care, your surgery may offer you a follow-up in 3-6 months to see how things are going, and at the very least you should receive an annual diabetes review with a number of blood checks, and recommended physical examinations (eg circulation, pulses and ‘toe tickle’)
