Heart palpitations post hypo?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I wondered if anyone has any experience with having strange heart palpitations/tight chest after having an episode of low blood sugar? I know this can be a symptom of a hypo, but I seem to have started suffering from this recently and it’s once my sugars are on their way back up as opposed to when they are low.

For context, I’ve been type 1 for almost 2 years and have no other health conditions.

If anyone else has had similar experiences I’d be keen to hear about them.

Thank you!
Gosh that sounds scary @StephanieMLW

I can feel a bit jittery during after hypos, but this sounds more unusual.

Not to cause you worry, but a consultant once told me that severe low blood glucose can be associated with cardiac arrythmia.

Perhaps it might be worth calling your DSN (or emailing if your hospital has an address you can use) to ask their advice?
Thank you @everydayupsanddowns - yes I think I will definitely mention to my healthcare team, I’ve got a check in with my diabetic clinic next week and an unrelated GP appointment following that, so I will definitely raise it. I did wonder whether it’s actually some kind of anxiety as it seems to only happen when I have low blood sugars out and about (today I was in the supermarket), but I plan to start tracking when it happens in case that shows any patterns.

Thanks for the response!