Heart monitoring

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Was pleased to find out I was anemic as thought that explained my constant fatigue and heart pals (which drive me insane) however doctor called me last week and said that he thinks is sound more like a heart issue. I was a big brave girl and did not have a complete breakdown (just partial) so I’m going in Tuesday for a heart trace then to hospital to have a spider monitor (not sure if this is correct and I refuse to google) I have to wear this thing for a month which is very inconvenient as I will be going on holiday. So my questions are
A) does anyone who’s had anemia suffer heart palps?
And 2…anyone had one of these monitors and are they obvious you’re wearing one ? Will I have to completely re think my holiday wardrobe

As usual my problems are niche ones so not expecting much by the way of responses
I’ve had a lot of ecgs, as had palpitations previously and had a surgery to treat it. Wasn’t an open surgery they just went up through an artery, I watched the whole thing, fascinating. It’s now managed well with beta blockers. I expect the monitor you’ll have will be an event monitor. You either press a button or write the time when you get the symptoms and it records your heart trace. Speak to the dr or nurse about whether you need to wear it on holiday. If you’re getting the palpitations a lot then they might get enough evidence without you wearing it on holiday. 24 hours was enough for mine as it happened every day.
Oh the size, mine were tiny, smaller than your phone. Wouldn’t be visible under a tshirt. Would be visible in a bikini.
Thanks @Lucyr ! Sorry to hear you had troubles too. To be honest I’ve had them a long time but the really ramped up this last year. Although I’ve had preeclampsia twice my BP and HR are really good. However I’m at the stage where I can’t take a deep breath without the flip flops as I can them. I had some pelvic vein immobilisation, I watched that on screen was pretty entertaining !
Ooh that would be great if I only had to go 24 hours but his referral says a month I’ve heard of 2 weeks but never a month ! I could easily capture them in a sort space of time as they are triggered by my heart rate increasing or decreasing, eating, positional changes, deep breathing pretty much anything really. I have terrible digestion and that always makes them worse. Thanks @Lucyr
Well im off to Cornwall, so more like a wetsuit :rofl:
It won’t affect your wardrobe whatsoever then! If they’re that frequent then it would be worth asking about the duration needed, mine were often enough that the few home ecgs I’ve had I’ve always captured it in 24hrs but even a week would be more than enough by the sounds of it.
It won’t affect your wardrobe whatsoever then! If they’re that frequent then it would be worth asking about the duration needed, mine were often enough that the few home ecgs I’ve had I’ve always captured it in 24hrs but even a week would be more than enough by the sounds of it.
That was what the doctor put on the referral but hopefully the hospital will suggest a lesser time. Thanks again x
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