Heart disease, cancer risk no higher with long-term insulin use

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Long-term use of daily insulin injections does not appear to increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer in people with Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, a major Canadian-led international study concludes.

The study could put to rest a decades-long debate as to whether insulin leads to cardiovascular disease and some cancers in people who take the shots to control high blood sugar levels caused by Type 2 diabetes or its precursor.

"People have been debating the question of whether there are adverse consequences to long-term insulin use for years," said principal investigator Dr. Hertzel Gerstein, a professor of medicine at McMaster University. "This study provides the clearest answer yet to that question: No, there are not."

Gerstein said the study results apply only to people with Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes; the study did not include patients with Type 1 diabetes, who typically take different doses and forms of insulin over the course of a day.

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