For a while I found it quite amusing to browse the local Facebook Spotted, which you could read without having a Facebook account but couldn’t post anything. It’s supposed to be where you can ask if anyone can recommend a good plumber/gardener/dance school etc etc or suggest anyone who can do these things; but the amount of people who used it to post images of bad parking (some of which wasn’t that bad, and of course confronting the driver is completely out of the question, let’s just have a moan online) or complaining about noise pollution when they live next door to a pub (which has been there a lot longer than their house) etc was in equal measures hilarious and terrifying! I’d never dare post anything on such a site, because whilst some people may agree with me, many more wouldn’t. Sadly they’ve now changed it so you can only read about 3 posts before it forces you to sign in, and I’m not going to set up an account just to read that!
Anyway, I digress… hope you can find something related to one of your interests!