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'Healthy' foods differ by individual


Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ever wonder why that diet didn't work? An Israeli study tracking the blood sugar levels of 800 people over a week suggests that even if we all ate the same meal, how it's metabolized would differ from one person to another. The findings, published November 19 in Cell, demonstrate the power of personalized nutrition in helping people identify which foods can help or hinder their health goals.

Blood sugar has a close association with health problems such as diabetes and obesity, and it's easy to measure using a continuous glucose monitor. A standard developed decades ago, called the glycemic index (GI), is used to rank foods based on how they affect blood sugar level and is a factor used by doctors and nutritionists to develop healthy diets. However, this system was based on studies that average how small groups of people responded to various foods.


More evidence for the value of testing and the individuality of the personal tolerances of different foods :)
They should have just asked us! For reasons known only to my body I have no problem with potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, but react like crazy to ginger of all things, also peas, and iced tea (with no sugar, milk or sweetener). Lord alone knows why tea does crazy things to me but it does, as does cheese. It's good to see someone actually challenging the myth that all people react the same way to food though, maybe it will prompt a few medical professionals to pin back their lug holes :)
They should have just asked us! For reasons known only to my body I have no problem with potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, but react like crazy to ginger of all things, also peas, and iced tea (with no sugar, milk or sweetener). Lord alone knows why tea does crazy things to me but it does, as does cheese. It's good to see someone actually challenging the myth that all people react the same way to food though, maybe it will prompt a few medical professionals to pin back their lug holes :)
I'm fine with pasta also - never spikes me at all :eek: (famous last words? :eek:) Porridge is a classic 'individual' meal. I do wish that these food programmes on telly would stress that the 'instant' oats tend to hit levels like a freight train, so can't be considered 'low GI' :eek: