Healthcare professionals news 27th Sept-1st October 2010

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BMA calls for Government u-turn over decision to scrap PCTs
The BMA has called on the Government to abandon its plans to scrap PCTs in England, claiming it would be more cost effective to keep them in place while boosting the commissioning powers of GPs. Its official response to the coalition?s health white paper warns the decision to do away with all trusts as well as SHAs risks causing financial chaos as PCTs ?implode? leaving ill-equipped GP consortia forced to take over amid widespread confusion and a huge loss of corporate memory from the NHS.

GPs to include all pregnant women in seasonal flu campaign
The Department of Health has announced GPs should include pregnant women for the first time in this year's seasonal flu vaccination campaign. Ministers announced that GPs should invite all pregnant women to receive this year's seasonal flu jab, which contains the H1N1 swine flu strain as one of three component influenza strains.

GPs could hand care pathways to charities
GPs could opt to hand over commissioning of care pathways for entire diseases to charities under proposals drawn up in response to the white paper. Pulse has learned that at least one major charity has already held preliminary discussions with the Department of Health about taking on a commissioning role. It is understood the DH is sympathetic to the idea in principle, although it would be GPs? choice whether or not to enter into such commissioning partnerships.

Other trade news:

Diabetes drug can cut hypo rate and boost weight loss
A new class of oral anti-diabetic drug may cut hypoglycaemic events and lead to weight loss compared with existing therapy, research suggests. Researchers found the developmental drug dapagliflozin, a sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitor, was as effective as existing therapy at controlling HbA1c levels in people with type-2 diabetes

GPs' workload fears after drug ban

UK GP practices will have to review tens of thousands of diabetes patients after EU regulators backed the suspension of rosiglitazone's licence. All patients taking Avandia or Avandamet, the products containing rosiglitazone, should be switched to other treatments over the next two months.

IV steroids may cut death risk in bacterial meningitis

IV steroid treatment may cut the risk of dying from bacterial meningitis, a Dutch study suggests. Researchers studied 300 people with pneumoccocal meningitis treated with IV dexamethasone with or before a first dose of antibiotic. They compared the outcomes with those of 349 people not given dexamethasone.

Nursing Times:

Bariatric surgery popular in Scotland
More than a hundred gastric band operations were carried out in Scotland in the last two years, figures have revealed.

Out of the 14 health boards in Scotland some had seen more than 100 bariatric operations, one had not undertaken any and four referred patients to other parts of the country and other centres for procedures.

Milk aids weight loss

Dieters who drank milk or milk products are able to lose more weight on average than those who consumed little or no milk products according to researchers.

An Israeli study found that regardless of diet people with the highest dairy calcium intake lost about 12 pounds over a two year period compared to those with the lowest that only lost seven pounds on average.

Prostate cancer drug breakthrough

A new chemotherapy drug is the first ever treatment that can prolong the life of patients with advanced prostate cancer, a team of scientists has claimed. According to researchers, cabazitaxel helps men at the more aggressive stage of the disease live an average of 30% longer than those taking any other form of medication.
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