Health Update - Pluses & Minuses

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Towards the end of last year I got an email from my Surgery inviting me, and I expect all of their T2s, to sign up for a Diabetes Reversal Programme. My first thought was I don't need to but then I saw that everyone signing up had to have up-to-date bloods. Since my bloods were last done in January 2020 I jumped at the chance, signed up and had them done in December. Was pleased to see my HbA1c at 38, as previously posted. My cholesterol numbers were all good too (I had high cholesterol when diagnosed). Three cheers for Benecol...??? The other bit of good news, unconnected, was a letter from my recent eye screening advising no signs of any issues. So far so good.

My Vitamin D levels were low so on GP's advice I'm now taking a 2000IU supplement every day. Blood test also showed subclinical hypothyroidism so I had another blood test 2 weeks ago to confirm. GP called this morning to say the retest numbers were inconclusive for a definite underactive thyroid so I'm having another blood test next week. She did say, though, that if the results were similar to the first two then it would be something they would simply monitor at six month intervals rather than put me on meds.

I have a number of markers for anaemia, which would actually explain a few things, and my blood test next week includes repeat tests for that. My GFR result was OK but not brilliant and my GP says she needs a urine sample to check for protein before deciding on whether it needs investigating, so I picked up a sample kit today and will drop it off in the morning.

So as you can see, some good news and some maybe not so good news. So much for feeling fitter and healthier than I've felt in years.

5.3 this morning, by the way, and averaged 5.4 for January. One of my best ever months.

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Nice to see a post from you Martin.
Lovely to see you posting @Martin.A - you have been missed 🙂

Thanks for the update. Congrats on knocking your A1c out of the park, and those fab BGs. Chol too! Tip top 🙂

Good to hear they are keeping an eye on your thyroid rather than jumping into meds. Hope the anaemia can be sorted, and the kidney checks go well.
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