Health news 9th February 2012

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Type 1
No alternative to NHS reforms, say coalition
David Cameron and Nick Clegg have agreed they have no alternative but to push ahead with the planned reforms to the NHS, even though they admit they are in "a rubbish place politically" and it could take three years until the general election to persuade voters that fears about the reforms are unfounded.

Men can inherit higher risk of heart attack from father - and can pass danger on to their sons
Fathers with a common genetic variant are at higher risk of heart disease and will pass the danger on to their sons, say scientists. A study found men with a particular version of the male Y chromosome, were 50 per cent more likely to suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to angina, heart attacks and heart failure.

Fasting 'could help combat cancer and boost effectiveness of treatments'
Going without food for short periods may help to combat cancer and boost the effectiveness of treatments, say scientists. A study found fasting slowed the growth and spread of tumours and cured some cancers when it was combined with chemotherapy.

An hour of tai chi twice a week helps people with Parkinson's disease to walk
People with Parkinson's disease often suffer from shaking limbs and stiff muscles, which makes moving increasingly difficult. Now scientists have found practising an ancient Chinese martial art could help both their balance and ability to walk.

Docs warn on risks of unprotected sex
Two in three adults have had unprotected sex when they're NOT trying for a baby, a new survey reveals. The research, by condom firm Mates, also found that four in ten people aged 18 to 24 have risked sex without contraception and 72 per cent of students dislike condoms as they can "ruin the moment". But Dr Paula Franklin, medical director of sexual health organisation Marie Stopes International, said: "If you have sex without a condom and you are not using any other form of contraception, you run the risk of catching an STI and/or getting pregnant."

Contraception row: I had implant because I felt like having sex says girl, 13
A 13-year-old girl who had a contraceptive implant fitted at school without her mother's knowledge said she wanted the procedure because she "felt like having sex".

Chocolate cake breakfast could help you lose weight
Eating chocolate cake as part of a full breakfast can help you lose weight, say scientists.

Deadly mosquito found in the UK for first time since the 1940s
The culex modestus bears the West Nile virus which causes flu-like symptoms and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord

I had no idea asthma could be fatal - until it killed my husband
Thelma Doswell describes her husband's sudden death from the disease and urges sufferers to use their inhalers

Will you live to see your 100th year?
Scientists have developed a genetic test that can predict whether we are likely to live long enough to see our 100th birthday. Questions about diet, exercise, family and lifestyle result in readings that are correct in three out of four cases, according to US researchers based in Boston.
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