Health news 9th-11th July 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Deadly cost of low-fat dieting
Millions of Britons are putting themselves at risk of heart disease and cancer with obsessive diets. Doctors warned last night that continued calorie counting was a health time-bomb. Cutting out nutrient-rich foods in a misguided attempt to lose weight could have ?alarming? long-term consequences. And with an estimated 12million Britons currently on diets it could prove devastating for the nation?s health, placing massive burdens on the NHS.

Man appeals for NHS gastric bypass surgery

The Court of Appeal will consider if a patient's personal circumstances should influence the NHS when it decides whether to fund treatment. Thomas Condliff, who weighs 22 stone (140kg) and has type 2 diabetes, is challenging a decision to refuse him a gastric bypass operation.

Parents offered advice on exercise for under-5s

For the first time government health experts are issuing advice to parents on exercise for children under five. They say the amount of time babies and toddlers spend strapped in buggies or car seats should be cut down.

Universal flu vaccine a step closer

A universal flu vaccine, capable of working against all strains, would save lives and money by eliminating the need for the annual jab. Researchers in California and the Netherlands believe they are now a "step closer" to meeting this objective.
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