Health news 8th November 2011

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One in ten breast cancer victims faces five-month wait for diagnosis

Thousands of women with breast cancer suffer delays of up to five months for a diagnosis because their symptoms are missed by GPs, according to a study. It found that for one in ten patients, there was a 20-week delay between first being seen by a GP and being told they have the disease. While those visiting their doctors with obvious signs such as a lump may be diagnosed sooner, many go to GPs with more subtle symptoms such as tiredness, weight loss or anaemia.

NHS cancer figures contradict David Cameron and Andrew Lansley's claims

David Cameron and Andrew Lansley's repeated criticisms of the NHS's record on cancer have been contradicted by new research that shows the health service to be an international leader in tackling the disease. The findings challenge the government's claims that NHS failings on cancer contribute to 5,000-10,000 unnecessary cancer deaths a year, which ministers have used as a key reason for pushing through their radical shakeup of the service. In fact, the NHS in England and Wales has helped achieve the biggest drop in cancer deaths and displayed the most efficient use of resources among 10 leading countries worldwide, according to the study published in the British Journal of Cancer.

Welsh government's 'opt out' organ donor consultation

Families would have no legal right to stop dead relatives' organs being used for transplant if the person has not opted out in advance, under a proposed Welsh law. However, Health Minister Lesley Griffiths said she could not see a situation where doctors took organs without the permission of families. Ministers are asking for views on plans for a "soft opt-out". If it goes ahead, Wales would be the UK's first country with the system.

TB 'breathalyser' could be available in two years

A hand-held breathalyser for detecting tuberculosis infection could be available in prototype form within two years, scientists said. A team of Indian scientists have won a $950,000 (?600,00) grant to build a prototype "electronic nose" by the end of 2013 which will detect the early stages of the respiratory disease, which claims nearly 1.7 million lives a year worldwide. The TB breathalyser works by detecting the presence of about half a dozen biological chemicals in the air expelled from someone's lungs. These form a reliable signature of TB infection, said Peter Singer, chief executive of Grand Challenges Canada, with is part-funding the development with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Show us you care: the rise of good cause labelling

It's no longer enough just to give: you must wear your support on your sleeve (or lapel, wrist, etc.) There was a time when giving to charity was on the list of those things best done in private. Today, in an age of Facebook status updates and ostentation, it's the done thing to wear your donation with pride.

Children's heart unit will stay open after court ruling

A nationwide plan to concentrate children's heart surgery in fewer hospitals for safety reasons was temporarily derailed yesterday after a London hospital won a High Court action to prevent the closure of its paediatric cardiac surgery unit.
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