Health news 8th March 2012

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Type 1
Stem cells beat kidney rejection
An injection of stem cells given alongside a kidney transplant could remove the need for a lifetime of drugs to suppress the immune system, say scientists.

Opt-out organ donation supported in public consultation
A majority of respondents to a Welsh government consultation said they were in favour of changing the law on organ donation.

Welsh ministers want a soft opt-out system so everyone's organs are available for donation when they die unless they have said otherwise.

Hundreds of thousands of Alzheimer?s patients could have their lives revolutionised by drug treatment which can cost less than 50p a day, it is claimed.

"Not Here Soon": Just 13 days left to save the NHS, warn protesters
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley?s NHS nightmare deepened tonight after senior doctors passed a vote of ?no confidence? in him. The British Medical Association conference declaration is a damning verdict of his handling of the reforms.

Stem cell repair kit for glaucoma could mean a treatment for the most common cause of blindness
A treatment for one of the most common causes of blindness could soon be available. British researchers have used stem cells to heal the damage caused by glaucoma.

Best incentive yet for improving your diet: How fruit and veg could make you cuter
People who increased their intake were rated more attractive after just six weeks, researchers found. Scientists at St Andrews University monitored the food consumption of 35 people and took pictures of them over this period.

Complicated cancer: New research shows how genetic changes make the disease so deadly
British scientists have begun to unlock one of cancer?s most deadly secrets. In a breakthrough likened to going from watching TV in black and white to colour, they?ve discovered that a single cancer can be dramatically different within one person

Midwife who concealed Hepatitis C from hospital bosses infected mother as she was giving birth
A Cambridge University researcher has been left ?devastated? after being infected with hepatitis C by a midwife while giving birth. Fatima Abdul Hussein, 28, contracted the infection when the woman inserted a tube into her arm. The midwife had tested positive for the virus in 2004 but concealed this from her bosses.

Doctor struck off in MMR jab row wins fight to clear his name: High Court judge overturns the GMC's ruling
A doctor struck off over the MMR jab controversy yesterday won a High Court battle to clear his name.

Schoolgirl, five, dies from meningitis after two GPs say she has a bug and send her home
A girl of five died from meningitis only 24 hours after she was twice diagnosed with a bug and sent home by doctors.

Fighting talk from scientists: The 'macho' gene that makes men behave aggressively has been found
Scientists believe they have found the ?macho? gene which makes men behave more aggressively than women under stress.

The boy who turned orange: He'd eaten too many carrots... but at least his future's bright!
Eating carrots may help Leo Barnett see in the dark, but they make him easy to spot too ? because they turn him bright orange. The three-year-old is believed to be the only person in Britain to suffer from a condition that means his body cannot digest carotene, which gives foods such as carrots their colour.
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