Health news 8th June 2010

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Charity casts doubt on glucose scores
Proposals for 'estimated average glucose' values to be given to patients have been criticised by Diabetes UK. An international group of diabetes academics has suggested it 'may be advantageous' to convert patients' HbA1c results into an 'average glucose' level. Libby Dowling quoted.

How families cope with diabetes

It is difficult enough being diagnosed with diabetes as an adult, but when your child develops the condition it can be particularly challenging. Cathy Owen talks to three families about how they coped. KATIE Ridgwell is like most 10-year-old girls ? she loves going to parties, enjoys most sports and thinks her mum and dad should let her be more independent. But unlike her friends, Katie has also had to learn how to live with diabetes after falling dangerously ill and being diagnosed with the condition last year. Diabetes UK mentioned (page 3 & 4).

Diabetes UK president in town for library talk tomorrow

THE Scarborough branch of Diabetes UK is holding a public meeting tomorrow in the Central Library on Vernon Road. THE Scarborough branch of Diabetes UK is holding a public meeting tomorrow in the Central Library on Vernon Road. Guest speaker at the event is Richard Lane OBE, the president of the national charity.

Hospital care will continue when you get home
Hospitals will be held responsible for patients? health and well-being for up to a month after they are discharged, the Health Secretary will announce on Tuesday. Link to this video As part of a series of major reforms, they will be penalised financially if patients have to be readmitted within 30 days because their conditions were not treated properly. About 500,000 patients ? around five per cent ? need emergency readmissions every year.

Studies show some salads have more fat than a burger and fries... so how healthy is YOUR lunch?
Lunch on the go: What should you grab for a filling but not fattening meal? It is often grabbed on the run in the middle of a hectic day, and might seem fairly harmless, but experts claim that many seemingly nutritious lunchtime snack choices are laden with unhealthy ingredients. Indeed, your working lunch could harbour more calories and fat than the rest of your daily meals put together.

First British patient has eyesight saved with tiny iStent implant
A mother-of-six has become the first British patient to undergo revolutionary eye surgery aimed at stopping the march of the blinding illness glaucoma. Mary McCall, 66, from Belfast, had been slowly losing her eyesight to the disease, which is responsible for causing blindness in more than 67 million people worldwide. Surgeons at the Cathedral Eye Clinic in Belfast fitted Mrs McCall's eye with a device already being dubbed the 'millimetre miracle'.

Ovarian cancer drug Avastin could extend life by four to six months
A promising drug used in the treatment of bowel, breast and lung cancer could also help to extend the lives of women with advanced ovarian tumours, a landmark study suggests. Results released at a major cancer conference in the United States indicate that taking bevacizumab (Avastin), in combination with standard chemotherapy, can offer women an extra four to six months of life without their disease getting worse.

EVER dreamed of having your own personal gym? You may already have one. Top personal trainers say anyone with children and a back garden probably has all the equipment they need to get fit and toned up this summer. In fact, so-called ?back garden gyms? can be superior to purpose-built gyms because they offer three-dimensional, functional training which ultimately involves more planes of movement. All you need is some imagination and you will be able to avoid eye-watering gym membership fees, spend more time with your family and get more sunshine.
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