Health news 8th December 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Britain is now the fat man of Europe with one in four labelled obese
The UK has the worst obesity rates in Europe, an international report has found.

According to the study, one in four Britons is so fat that their health is threatened.

Just one nurse for 11 elderly patients on the wards of neglect

Elderly patients are dying before their time because of a desperate shortage of qualified nurses, a report warns. Nurses on wards for the old are caring for more than 11 patients at a time ? *substantially more than on other hospital wards.

Scientists develop drug that can stop post-traumatic stress disorder before it starts
Scientists have discovered a way to stop post-traumatic stress syndrome in its tracks - by injecting a calming drug into the brain. Around 30 per cent of people who experience a traumatic event will develop the severe anxiety disorder, which overwhelms a person's ability to cope.
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