Health news 7th October 2011

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Type 1
Severe hypoglycaemia cause found
The cause of a rare and severe form of hypoglycaemia - or very low levels of sugar in the blood - is genetic, say researchers. The life-threatening condition means the body does not have enough energy to function. Scientists at the University of Cambridge say mutations in the AKT2 gene are to blame. Writing in the journal Science, they say there are already cancer drugs which target a similar process. Hypoglycaemia can be caused by a disruption in the balance between the hormone insulin and sugar. Insulin lowers the level of sugar in the blood.

Nine-to-five GPs have lost trust of patients because of lack of out-of-hours care

Patients have lost faith in GPs because they are only prepared to work from nine-to-five and from Monday to Friday, a report commissioned by doctors? leaders warns today. It says illness can strike at any time and the sick should not have to assume they can only go to a surgery in office hours. The report into standards of care, set up by the Royal College of GPs, also warns most patients now see a different, unfamiliar doctor every time they have an appointment.

Burnham tipped for health job in shadow cabinet reshuffle
Labour is to attempt to step up its attack on the government with the promotion of backbench MPs to replace two former ministers in Ed Miliband's first reshuffle of his shadow cabinet team. Labour claimed that both the shadow health secretary, John Healey, and the shadow business secretary, John Denham, had told the Labour leader some time ago that they did not want to carry on in frontline positions. The party insisted the departures were civilised and that they had not been sacked.

Doctors should fulfil role of 'local priest'
Doctors are not providing a broad enough range of care and support for their patients and should take on the role once taken by a ?local priest?, according to a report. The study says that ?generalists? - usually GPs - need to look at the person as a whole as well as their family and home life rather than just particular diseases they may suffer from. It recommends that doctors make themselves available around the clock, get to know patients over many years and help them with social problems as well as medical ones. The commission, carried out by the Royal College of GPs and the Health Foundation charity, says that more generalist care will be needed in England as the population ages and more people live with long-term conditions such as diabetes.

Tanning salons more dangerous than previously thought

People who visit tanning salons could be at risk of developing skin cancer even if they do not burn, a study has found. The type of ultraviolet radiation used by tanning beds causes damage underneath the outer layers of skin, meaning its harmful effects may not be seen on the surface.

Tory peer tells British fatties to 'just eat less'

Lord McColl of Dulwich said exercise alone is not the answer to Britain's obesity crisis ? as many people are TOO FAT to work out. And he claimed ministers are misleading voters by failing to admit over-eating is to blame. The former surgeon said: "For an obese person to lose weight ? bearing in mind most of them can't exercise as they're so overweight ? all he has to do is eat less."
Strangely enough I was just saying to my neighbour last week that Andy Burnham would be a good replacement for Millipede as the labour leader, saw him on Question Time and he came across very well indeed and would stand a far better chance of ridding us of this awful government than Ed would.
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