Health news 7th June 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes nurses slashed due to Government cuts
HUNDREDS of specialist diabetes nursing jobs are being axed – despite a massive increase in the number of people hit by the potentially-deadly disease. New figures reveal the number of posts left unfilled by hospitals has doubled in a year due to Government cuts. There are currently 218 vacant jobs in the NHS – even though 150,000 more people were diagnosed with the *illness in 2010 than the year before. Doctors say *diabetes rates have soared to 2.8million in the past decade due rising obesity levels.

David Cameron: My 'five guarantees' on future of NHS
David Cameron will set out "five guarantees" for the NHS in England in his latest speech aimed at winning support for his health reforms. The PM's pledges include increasing NHS spending and waiting times "kept low".

MPs condemn NHS regional variation in IVF provision

More than 70% of NHS trusts and care providers are ignoring official guidance on offering infertile couples three chances at IVF, according to a report by an all-party group of MPs. Some primary care trusts have stopped offering IVF altogether.

Yo-yo dieting could be GOOD for you after all: It's better to pile the pounds back on than never lose them at all
For most slimmers it is a depressingly familiar story. You spend months religiously watching the calories and shedding the pounds, only for the weight to pile back on as soon as you start eating normally.

One in five people with diabetes miss up to 15 working hours per month due to low blood sugar (6 June 2011)
Nearly one in five people with diabetes are regularly unable to attend a full day at work due to disruption caused by episodes of dangerously low blood sugar, known as a hypoglycaemic event.1 A new survey, focusing on productivity loss following hypoglycaemic events, was published today in the journal Value in Health.
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...MPs condemn NHS regional variation in IVF provision...
Interesting one here, a couple of people have posted that if your Doctor refuses to allow you to BG self-test that you should throw the NICE guidelines at them because they are legally obligated to follow them.

But this legal obligation can't actually be the case, as the 3x IVF is also a NICE guideline and the PCT's are merrily ignoring this one.
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