Health news 7th July 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Have a spoonful of sugar in your tea: It helps stress sip away
In our health conscious times they are often regarded as the pariahs of the office tea round. But for those facing colleagues’ disapproval as they shovel the sugar into their tea, there’s a new excuse: ‘I’m just trying to ease the stress of the working day.’ Psychologists have found that sweetened drinks make people less aggressive and argumentative.

(edit: not sure how we diabetics think about that!)

40,000 jobs under threat in the NHS: Axe fails despite 'ring-fence' vow
Tens of thousands of NHS staff face the axe as part of devastating cuts, figures show. Despite the Government’s promise to protect frontline staff and services, union leaders warn that doctors and nurses will be targeted in the redundancies. Health trust managers admit patient care is being compromised as routine treatments such as ear, nose and throat surgery for children and varicose vein operations are slashed.

Swine flu drug hand-out service raises concerns
Swine flu was the first pandemic for 40 years Just 12% of patients who got anti-flu drugs using the swine flu hotline and website actually had the virus, figures obtained by the BBC suggest. More than 1.1m people collected the drugs - which can cause side effects such as nausea - after being diagnosed by the National Pandemic Flu Service.

Cancer services face shake-up under coalition

Cancer services are to be shaken up to improve survival rates, reorganise how drugs are paid for and ensure cases are picked up earlier, ministers have announced. A review is to be carried out of the Cancer Reform Strategy to focus on bringing survival rates up to match the best in the world, Paul Burstow, Care Minister, has said. Cancer 'tsar' Sir Mike Richards will lead the review with objectives set out by the coalition government in a White Paper due out next week.
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