Health news 7th April 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sleep disorder raises eye and nerve damage risk in diabetic people
People with type 2 diabetes who have trouble sleeping are more at risk of eye disease, foot problems, and amputation, preliminary research suggests. There are around 3.3 million people with type 2 diabetes in the UK, including an estimated 850,000 people who don?t realise they have the condition. Diabetes UK Director of Research, Dr Iain Frame, quoted.

Sickest patients are being neglected as doctors focus on waiting list targets
In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, the presidents of the Royal College of Surgeons, the College of Emergency Medicine and other leading medical associations call on ministers to redress the balance to ensure that such patients receive ?the highest levels of supportive care?.

3,000 lives could be saved through bowel cancer test
As many as 3,000 lives could be saved every year and many diseases could be detected earlier, saving the NHS money, by the decision of the UK National Screening Committee to recommend the procedure for all those aged between 55 and 64. Figures suggest that using a short one-off test for bowel cancer among middle-aged Britons could reduce incidence rates by 33 per cent and death rates by 43 per cent.

Daily trip to the shops 'helps you live longer'

But scientists believe that a daily trip to the shops could help you live longer. A 10-year study of almost 2,000 people found that those who went to the shops more or less every day were about a quarter less likely to die over that period than the average person.

Scientists grow 'embryonic eye' in test tube

Researchers were amazed when stem cells in a test tube spontaneously organised themselves into a complex structure that resembles the developing embryonic eye. The surprising development could lead eventually to whole retinas being cultured and then transplanted, restoring sight in the blind and visually impaired.

Europe 'losing' superbugs battle

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant infections has reached unprecedented levels and now outstrips our ability to fight it with existing drugs, European health experts are warning. Each year in the EU over 25,000 people die of bacterial infections that are able to outsmart even the newest antibiotics.

PM seeks to allay fears, but insists change is needed

The government will not take risks with the NHS in England, Prime Minister David Cameron says. But at the launch of a new push to convince critics that the planned reforms are right, he said sticking with the status quo was not an option.
Sleep disorder raises eye and nerv][/e damage risk in diabetic people
People with type 2 diabetes who have trouble sleeping are more at risk of eye disease, foot problems, and amputation, preliminary research suggests. There are around 3.3 million people with type 2 diabetes in the UK, including an estimated 850,000 people who don’t realise they have the condition. to ensure that such patients receive “the highest levels of supportive care”.

Oh my im doomed! 🙄
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