Health news 6th May 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Leukaemia sufferers denied drugs available in Scotland
The treatment rationing body, Nice, has ruled that three types of medication, which can give a normal life expectancy to patients with the rare blood cancer, are not effective enough considering they cost up to ?40,000 a year. But campaigners say the decision is unfair to about 1,000 people in England and Wales who do not respond to the standard treatment for the disease, called imatinib.

Coffee, vigorous exercise and nose-blowing may trigger a stroke

Drinking coffee, hard exercise and nose-blowing are the everyday activities most likely to raise blood pressure and cause a specific kind of stroke, doctors say. Taken together, the three activities account for nearly a quarter of all cases in which a blood vessel bursts in the brain, a serious medical emergency that kills an estimated 1,800 people in Britain every year.

Call for fewer heart transplant units
The number of adult heart transplant units in the UK should be cut because too few transplants are being performed, heart experts say. Doctors at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital said it was time to rethink the need for six centres after a 46% fall in transplants in the last decade.

Inquiry into Legionnaires cases in Glasgow

A rise in the number of people with Legionnaires Disease in Glasgow is being investigated. The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Public Health Protection Unit are to study the increase in the number of people being diagnosed.

Happiness our genes

IF you are feeling down in the dumps, don?t just put it down to what?s going on in your life. How happy we are feeling may depend as much on our genes as our lifestyles, a study has found.
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