Health News 6th May 2010

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Viral fights 'beer bellies'
Cancer Research UK, Diabetes UK and the British Heart Foundation have jointly launched the 'Active Fat' campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of carrying excess weight. They are using a new animation that takes people on a journey through a 'belly' and then across the charities' three websites.

Running for a good cause as Bristol prepares for 10K
A Bristol man with diabetes will be running the city?s 10k this weekend, proving the condition doesn?t have to stop sufferers in their tracks. South African-born Josh Hugo, 27, from Redland, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in February 2008.

NHS slashes services to meet costs of swine flu scare
The NHS is being forced to cut services because of the huge costs of the swine flu scare that proved unfounded. A survey has found that as many as one in six health trusts may have to slash services - or already have done so - to recoup costs.

Stem cells raise hope for treatment for multiple sclerosis patients

Researchers have long believed that the stem cells could halt and even reverse the effects of the disease by patching up the damaged parts of the brain and spinal cord. Now British scientists carrying out one of the first ever trials into the procedure believe that they have proved that it works.

Women under 50 'face work stress risk'
Stress at work raises the risk of heart disease for women under 50, a study of more than 12,000 nurses suggests. Danish research in Occupational and Environmental Medicine concludes work pressure has a greater effect on young women than those in their 50s and 60s.

New hope for HIV vaccine efforts

US researchers say they are a step closer to understanding why some people have natural protection against HIV. They believe rare individuals who progress very slowly to Aids when infected make white blood cells that are better at fighting the virus.

Lack of sleep 'linked to early death'

Getting less than six hours sleep a night can lead to an early grave, UK and Italian researchers have warned. They said people regularly having such little sleep were 12% more likely to die over a 25-year period than those who got an "ideal" six to eight hours.
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