Health news 6th February 2012

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
6,000 nurses axed in Tory NHS cuts
Thousands of nurses are being thrown on the dole and patients put at risk as David Cameron sets aside billions of pounds to fund his hated health reforms. Labour has unearthed official figures that show 3,500 nurses have already been axed since the Prime Minister came to power promising the health service was safe in his hands in May 2010. And a further 2,500 will go before the next election, according to research from the Royal College of Nursing.

Mutant gene clue to beat strokes
Thousands of lives could be saved after the discovery of a genetic mutation which dramatically increases the risk of strokes. ?>

Oral cancer risk trebles after just two glasses of wine a day
Just two glasses of wine or two strong pints of beer a day can treble the risk of mouth cancer, ministers warn.

Babies born with EITHER parent over the age of 30 are more likely to suffer from autism
Children are more likely to have autism if either of their parents is older than 35 at the time of conception, according to a major study.

NHS spends ?23m a year on translators: Costs rise as hospitals cater for 120 languages
The NHS spends ?64,000 a day on translation services, a report reveals today.

The cost to the taxpayer has risen by 17 per cent since 2007, with more than ?23million spent last year.

Playing in the sun ?reduces risk of eczema and food allergies in children?
Playing in the sunshine reduces the risk of children developing eczema and food allergies, researchers claim.

Ed Miliband: NHS reform defeat could save 6,000 nursing jobs
Ed Miliband will claim on Monday that the total number of nurses working within the NHS has been cut by 3,500 since the general election, and could fall by a further 2,500 by the end of this parliament.
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