Health news 6th April 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Skin cancer rates: Fears for young in UK
More than two people under 35 in Britain are diagnosed each day with malignant melanoma - the deadliest form of skin cancer - new figures reveal. Cancer Research UK says there has been a tripling in melanoma rates among 15- and 34-year-olds since the late 1970s and the rise is continuing.

Fightback begins over NHS plans

The government will attempt to wrestle back the initiative on its NHS shake-up in England by launching a "listening exercise" later. Prime Minister David Cameron will be joined by his deputy Nick Clegg and Health Secretary Andrew Lansley at the start of the two-month push.

Surgeons raise alarm over waiting

Surgeons say patients in some parts of England have spent months waiting in pain because of delayed operations or new restrictions on who qualifies for treatment. In several areas routine surgery was put on hold for months, while in many others new thresholds for hip and knee replacements have been introduced.

'Welsh NHS patients denied cancer drug funding'

A new report claims 30 Welsh patients have been denied potentially life-prolonging cancer drugs on the NHS. A further 91 had to apply for funds for treatment recommended by a doctor using "exceptional case procedures" as it was not routinely available.

Could carrots and sweet potatoes help fight breast cancer?

A nutrient in carrots and sweet potatoes may prove to be a vital weapon against breast cancer in early stages of the disease, research suggests. Retinoic acid, a vitamin A derivative, also rejuvenates the skin and a weak version of it is used in anti-wrinkle face creams.
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