Health News 5th May 2010

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Rapidly lowering glucose levels 'does not increase death risk'
Rapid lowering of blood glucose levels in people with type-2 diabetes does not increase their risk of premature death, a new study has shown. But if intensive treatment does not reduce high HbA1c levels for certain patients, it may be that aggressive therapy needs to be discontinued, researchers believe. Care Advisor Libby Dowling quoted.

I look younger now! Full of joy, one of world's first face transplant patients shows his new visage to the world
A Spaniard who had one of the world's first partial face transplants has spoken of his joy on seeing his new visage. Speaking at a press conference at a hospital in Seville, the patient named only as Rafael said: 'I am full of joy and happiness. I want to thank the family of the donor and the medical team.' And Dr Gonzalez Padilla said the patient 'recognised himself' when he first saw himself in a mirror after the surgery, adding: 'He didn't see himself as a monster, in fact he thought he looked younger.'

Obesity stigma: How fat children are shunned at school

It is often said that children can be cruel and a new study has revealed overweight youngsters are more likely to bear the brunt of taunts and teasing. The research, which was presented to the British Psychological Society, found obese pupils were the most likely to struggle with low social status.

Taking the Pill can be a passion killer

Women taking the Pill are at risk of losing their sex drive because oral contraceptives drastically reduce the ability to feel desire and arousal, according to a survey. Other hormonal methods of contraception, such as implants, also put a similar dampener on libido.


BRITAIN?S obesity epidemic means the only thing bigger than our appetite for food is the demand for diets. Barely a week passes without the launch of a new, often celebrity-backed programme of weight loss designed to help trim the nation?s waistlines. Yet could we learn all we need to know about healthy eating by looking at how our ancestors did it?

Broccoli 'could aid breast cancer fight' - scientists
Broccoli could hold the key to the fight against breast cancer, scientists believe. The vegetable, already hailed as a so-called "superfood", contains a chemical capable of targeting the cells which fuel the growth of tumours. A component of broccoli called sulforaphane targets and kills cancer stem cells as well as preventing new tumours from growing, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.
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