Health news 5th August 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Labour ridicules David Cameron's NHS structure
Labour sought to ridicule David Cameron's claims to cut bureaucracy in the National Health Service, by publishing a diagram of the future shape of the NHS that makes Spaghetti Junction look like a Roman road. The party said the complex organogram of the new NHS would leave managers, patients and doctors bewildered as to where responsibility lay.

Baby heart defect test 'could save lives'

A quick and cheap test could save the lives of babies born with congenital heart defects, doctors say. A study of 20,055 newborns, published in The Lancet, showed testing oxygen in the blood was more successful than other checks available.

Stem cell sperm study leads to successful mouse births
Fertility experts are hailing a mouse study in which working sperm cells were created from embryonic stem cells in mice as "hugely exciting". Japanese researchers successfully implanted early sperm cells, made from the stem cells, into infertile mice.
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