Health news 4th October 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
NHS changes 'to cause irreparable harm'
The overhaul of the NHS in England will cause irreparable harm, according to leading public health doctors. In a letter to peers, who will debate the changes next week, nearly 400 public health experts said the changes must be rejected as they represented a risk to patient care and safety. The doctors suggested it would fragment services, possibly threatening vaccination and screening campaigns. But the government insisted the reforms would give patients more choice.

Health is a lottery in out-of-control NHS, warns top surgeon

A postcode lottery has returned to the NHS with "a vengeance", the leader of Britain's surgeons warned yesterday, as hospitals look to secretly cut costs without consulting doctors or patients. Professor Norman Williams, the new head of the Royal College of Surgeons, said some hospitals were now rationing operations that would have otherwise saved the NHS money in the long term, because of a short-term desire to cut costs.

How a fat tax could save the NHS billions
Yesterday Denmark became the first country in the world to impose a tax on fatty foods. Any food with a saturated fat content of more than 2.3 per cent will be taxed at a rate of 16 kroner (?1.85) per kilogram of saturated fat. The move will add the equivalent of 25p to a pack of butter and 8p on a pack of crisps. The move will rekindle demands in Britain, which has far higher rates of obesity than Denmark, for a similar tax. Indeed, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has already called on Britain to introduce such a tax, and last year, the Food Standards Agency was reported to be considering launching a consultation on a fat tax in Britain, although later denied it had reached a decision on the issue.

The rotten truth: Why 'fruit sugar' is one of the most damaging ingredients in our food
Sweet, cheap and natural ? fructose sounds like the ideal ?healthy? sweetener. However, the sugar, which is found naturally in fruit but is now added to many processed foods, may hide a range of deadly secrets. Scientists are discovering that fructose appears to be linked to serious modern epidemics such as cancers, heart disease, hypertension, kidney damage and even dementia. The latest fears were raised last week by research that found people who consume lots of fructose by drinking fruit juice have an increased risk of rectal cancer.

Thin parents pass on 'skinny genes' to children
Children whose parents are thin are likely to be very slim themselves due to "skinny genes", new research suggests. Youngsters whose parents are at the lower end of the healthy weight range are three times more likely to be regarded as thin (weighing less than a healthy weight range) than those whose parents are overweight.

Super broccoli to fight Big C

A "SUPER broccoli" developed by British scientists to fight cancer and heart disease goes on sale today. The veg contains high levels of a nutrient thought to protect against the killer diseases. The broccoli ? called Beneforte ? will be sold at Marks & Spencer from today and will be on the shelves of other supermarkets next year.

Drug eases symptoms of killer lung disease

Sufferers of killer lung *conditions have been given hope with a new treatment. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have been found to breathe easier after taking indacaterol, also known as Onbrez Breezhaler. A study found it is better at easing symptoms, such as coughing and excess mucus, than the current leading medication, tiotropium.
All dull and gloom with the nhs under this shower of a government, heaven help us we still have 3 years to go:(
All dull and gloom with the nhs under this shower of a government, heaven help us we still have 3 years to go:(
Be optimistic - It might not be another 3 years 😉

I'm impressed that they have managed to last this long without knifing each other :D
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