Health news 4th May 2011

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Call for thyroid screening in pregnancy
All pregnant women should be screened for hidden signs of thyroid disease, according to Czech researchers. A blood test can pick up about a third of mothers-to-be who have no symptoms but will go on to develop full-blown disease after giving birth, they say.

Scientists turn 'bad fat' into 'good fat'

Scientists say they have found a way to turn body fat into a better type of fat that burns off calories and weight. The US Johns Hopkins team made the breakthrough in rats but believe the same could be done in humans, offering the hope of a new way to treat obesity.

Self harm rise among young in Wales 'alarming'

A mental health charity says a rise in hospital admissions for young people in Wales who self-harm is alarming. Paula Lavis of YoungMinds said the true scale of self-harming could be far greater.

Breast cancer gene discovery 'like finding gold'

The genes could lead to new ways of diagnosing and treating hormonal breast cancer, also known as oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer, which is responsible for four out of five cases, or 36,000 a year in Britain. In particular, they found one gene which appears to drive the growth of tumours.

HIV drug could help stop cervical cancer

The drug lopinavir kills cells infected by the human papilloma virus while leaving healthy cells mostly unharmed, research suggests. To be effective as a treatment, the drug would have to be administered in doses ten to 15 times that taken by HIV patients.
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