Health news 3rd November 2011

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Type 1
English-style diet 'could save 4,000' in rest of UK

Eating like the English could save 4,000 lives a year in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, a study claims. People in England eat more fruit and vegetables and less salt and fat, reducing heart disease and some cancers, say Oxford University experts. A tax on fatty and salty foods and subsidies on fruit and vegetables could help close the diet divide, they add. The British Heart Foundation says the study shows inequalities in the nations that must be addressed by authorities.

Obesity puts 30 a day in hospital as number undergoing surgery trebles in four years

More than 30 Britons are being taken to hospital a day because they are dangerously obese, figures show. The numbers admitted for obesity surgery or problems caused by their excess weight has trebled in the last four years. Figures from the NHS Information Centre show that last year 11,740 patients were taken to hospital with an obesity-related condition, compared to just 3,876 in 2006/7. The numbers have risen by a tenth in the last 12 months - there were 10,716 such admissions in 2009/10.

Lung cancer 'kills 1,500 patients a year who could have been saved by surgery'

About 1,500 lung cancer patients die unnecessarily every year because they are not offered an operation and too few NHS surgeons are skilled in removing tumours, a report warns today. Most hospitals offer surgery to far fewer patients than the 30% of people with the disease who doctors believe would benefit from treatment, according to an audit of 400,000 lung cancer operations since 1980 by the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery (SCTS).

Britain on alert for new super-flu

A new strain of killer flu which could spread to *Britain within 24 hours is ?one of the biggest biological threats of our time?, experts warned. The alert comes after people started to fall victim to seasonal flu and the more virulent swine flu at the same time. Such a rare incidence creates the risk of a lethal mutation, leading to an ?ominous? super-flu virus for which humans have almost no immunity, said medical scientists.

Cancer 'will affect 40% of people'

Nearly half of us will get cancer at some point and it will kill two-thirds of sufferers, statistics reveal. The number living with the disease has increased in the UK by 35% in the past decade and if it continues at this rate four million people could have it by 2030. The figures highlight the grip that cancer is gaining on the nation?s health ? and the NHS.

At last, GPs told they MUST check for brittle bones in victory for osteoporosis campaigners

Hundreds of thousands of osteoporosis sufferers are to get a better deal from the NHS.

GPs will have to give new priority to identifying and treating patients with the bone thinning disease under changes to their contracts. The deal is being hailed as a success for campaigns to highlight the terrible toll of the disease by the Duchess of Cornwall, president of the National Osteoporosis Society, and the Daily Mail.
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