Health news 3rd November 2010

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Type 1
Implanted chip 'allows blind people to detect objects'
A man with an inherited form of blindness has been able to identify letters and a clock face using a pioneering implant, researchers say. Miikka Terho, 46, from Finland, was fitted with an experimental chip behind his retina in Germany. Success was also reported in other patients.

Stress still a taboo at work as millions lie about real reason for taking time off
One in five workers has taken time off for stress, but almost all of them were too afraid to admit why they needed sick leave, research has revealed. A study by mental health charity Mind found talking about workplace pressures is still a huge taboo.

Black raspberries could help prevent bowel cancer, according to scientists
Black raspberries may help prevent bowel cancer, new research suggests.

Scientists found that a freeze-dried version of the fruit could reduce the number of tumours in a strain of mice prone to the disease by 60 per cent.

Fish oil pills 'do not stop the march of Alzheimer's', new study shows
Fish oil capsules do not slow *mental or physical decline in Alzheimer?s patients, say researchers. The ?memory-boosting? supplements did not affect progression of the disease at any stage, a ?7million study has found.
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