Health news 3rd June 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
UK women 'have poor diets' - behind the headlines
Millions of British women face health risks because they are "shunning nutritious foods", says the Daily Mail. The Daily Express says that the dangers of a love of junk food and obsession with "food fads" even affect their unborn babies. These reports are based on research examining evidence on the quality of the diets of UK women throughout their lives.

GPs call for more time with patients - as Ministers look for ?20bn in NHS savings

Patients are being put at risk by GPs failing to diagnose them properly because appointment times are too short, a survey reveals. Two out of five family doctors said the brief consultations affected their ability to make a diagnosis, while half said they spent less time with patients than five years ago.

Data in full: government publishes NHS MRSA and C.Diff infection rates
The Conservatives' information revolution rolled into hospital wards with Andrew Lansley, the new secretary of state for health. Lansley today made good on his promise to publish rates of hospital-acquired infections such as MRSA on a weekly basis.

Scientists study if blaeberries could aid diabetes
The blueberry is part of the same family as the blaeberry Volunteers are being sought to see if the extract of blaeberries could treat diabetes. Experts from the University of Aberdeen are exploring if a concentrated capsule form of the fruit, which is part of the blueberry family, could help.

Coffee does NOT wake you up. It's all in your mind

Many say their brain doesn't start working properly in the morning until they have had a cup of coffee. But the stimulating effect for which caffeine is famous may be an illusion, say researchers.

Why burger diet raises a child's risk of asthma
Children who tuck into three or more burgers a week are more likely to suffer from asthma and wheezing, say researchers. But they claim the extra risk may not be caused by the meat-rich diet itself, but by a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables.
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