Health news 31st January 2012

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Type 1
How milk can boost the brain
Researchers found milk drinkers were five times less likely to fail memory and brain tests than those who did not drink it. A group of 900 men and women, aged 23 to 98, were given a series of visual, verbal and memory tests, while their milk consumption was monitored. The results showed that regardless of age, those who drank at least a glass of milk a day had an advantage.

Fish oil may dramatically cut babies' eczema risk, study suggests
Infants of mothers who took omega-3 capsules during pregnancy were 36% less likely to suffer the skin condition, which affects a fifth of UK children. The babies were also 50% less likely to have egg allergies, the British Medical Journal trial involving nearly 2,400 women showed.

Plans for NHS in England an unholy mess, say journals
Changes to the NHS in England have created an "unholy mess", the editors of three leading journals have said.

Skin transformed into brain cells
Skin cells have been converted directly into cells which develop into the main components of the brain, by researchers studying mice in California.

Deadline for public to have say on organ donation law
A Welsh government consultation into presumed consent organ donation is about to end, with the findings likely to be published within a month.

Drug companies join forces to combat deadliest tropical diseases
The heads of 13 of the world's biggest drug companies, brought together by Bill Gates, have agreed to donate more medicines and, in a rare spirit of co-operation, to work together to find new ones in an attempt to end many neglected tropical diseases that kill and maim some of the poorest people on the planet.

Exposed: How patients are dying needlessly from bedsores and the hospitals where you're most at risk
More than 27,000 people died with bedsores or infected wounds in 2010, according to new figures from the Office of National Statistics. Bedsores kill almost as many as the hospital superbug MRSA, and cost the NHS up to ?2 billion a year in care costs.

Stress 'means half of GPs suffer from burnout' with male doctors worse off than female medics
Almost half of family doctors are suffering from burnout because of stress, say researchers.

Ex-pat pensioners cost NHS ?1.6m a day
Pensioners who retire abroad continue to cost the NHS over ?1.6million a day. The expats are entitled to free health care and drugs if they move to the Mediterranean or elsewhere in the EU. But their medical bills, which are picked up by British taxpayers, will surprise many. They amount to ?1.72billion over the past three years ? or ?1.6million per day.

South Africa recalls 'faulty' ANC celebration condoms
South Africa's leading HIV group has warned that large numbers of "faulty" condoms are in circulation in the Bloemfontein area, despite a recall.

Health alert at university as student, 19, dies of meningitis hours after complaining she had a headache
Health chiefs today confirmed Hannah died of the meningococcal group B strain of the deadly brain virus.

'This will make you go blind': What shopkeeper told girl about 'vodka' that damaged her sight
Police, trading standards officers and doctors have issued new warnings about the dangers of counterfeit alcohol.

High demand for cheap alcohol ? especially in student areas ? has led to the growth of a lucrative bootlegging business across the UK.
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