Health news 31st August 2011

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Dentists and opticians could screen patients for diabetes
An estimated 3.4 million people in Britain suffer from Type II diabetes but about one quarter of those cases go undiagnosed and some are only detected when serious symptoms develop. The disease, the most common form of diabetes, can lead to blindness, nerve damage and amputation but experts said earlier diagnosis could help patients manage the condition more effectively. Diabetes UK Director of Care and Advocacy, Simon O?Neill, quoted.

Universal polypills for over-55s are a 'waste of money'
Giving ?polypills? containing statins, aspirin and blood-pressure-lowering drugs to everybody over 55 to help prevent heart attacks and strokes would harm a lot of people and be a ?waste of money?, a health conference has heard. Much better would be to give those at higher risk of coronary heart disease a ?60 computerised tomography (CT) scan to test whether they really did have hardened arteries, said Prof Allen Taylor.

Pill to prevent sunburn 'within five years'
A pill that prevents sunburn could be on the shelves within five years after British scientists discovered how coral shields itself against harmful UV rays. Coral does not suffer from sunburn despite living in shallow water in tropical areas, because it is able to produce its own "natural sunscreen".

Probiotic yoghurt could help treat depression, scientists say

Probiotic yoghurt is renowned for aiding intestinal health, but now scientists believe that it may also help treat depression. A new study found that bacteria in the gut had a direct effect on the brains of mice, which is thought to also be the case in humans.
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