Health news 30th October-1st November 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes drug withdrawal will cause upheaval and extra cost
Thousands of diabetic patients could be put at risk - and the NHS left with a large bill - after a pharmaceutical giant announced it was withdrawing a major insulin drug. Leading academics say the removal of Novo Nordisk's Mixtard 30 treatment, which some sufferers have relied for more than a decade, would cause significant upheaval for patients and the health service. Douglas Smallwood, former Chief Executive, Diabetes UK, quoted.

Diabetes diet tips from Flora
IMPROVING your diet, while enjoying your favourite meals, will be the subject of the next meeting of the St Helens and District group of Diabetes UK, on Wednesday, November 3. Paediatric dietician and former chairman of the group, Flora Stirling, will explain how to make meals more diabetes-friendly.

Miniature livers 'grown in lab'
Scientists have managed to produce a small-scale version of a human liver in the laboratory using stem cells. The success increases hope that new transplant livers could be manufactured, although experts say that this is still many years away.

Leisure-time exercise 'reduces depression risk'

People who take regular exercise during their free time are less likely to have symptoms of depression and anxiety, a study of 40,000 Norwegians has found. But physical activity which is part and parcel of the working day does not have the same effect, it suggests.

Early test for heart disease: Danger signs found years in advance

A test that spots heart disease years before symptoms appear is being developed by scientists.

It could save thousands of lives a year by detecting the arterial damage that can lead to heart attacks, angina, heart failure and other coronary conditions.

Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt
Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack, according to a study published in medical journal the Lancet. The report is co-authored by Professor David Nutt, the former UK chief drugs adviser who was sacked by the government in October 2009.
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