Health News 30th March 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
THERE is a growing body of evidence that suggests chocolate, and the dark variety in particular, could be a superfood thanks to its high levels of antioxidants and health-boosting compounds called flavonoids. These naturally occurring antioxidants help protect cells from damage and mop up potentially harmful molecules in the body. Opt for dark chocolate which contains a higher proportion of cocoa. It will also tend to contain less sugar and fat than milk or white chocolate which contains no cocoa at all. Diabetes UK mentioned.

Diabetes sufferers encouraged to share online

Diabetes sufferers can be provided with 'valuable interaction' by joining social media networks. This is the view of national campaign Diabetes UK, which said online communication can provide diabetics with 'responsive feedback'. Amanda Neylon quoted.

The toxic timebomb: Researchers say gender-bending chemicals are rife but are they just the tip of the iceberg?

DEMENTIA: Lead increases the risk of dementia, a study in the U.S. Journal of Epidemiology found. The toxic metal was used in paint and plumbing pipes up to the Seventies and is still found in many British homes. If you have lead pipes, consider replacing them, and always run the cold tap for a few minutes before using water for drinking or cooking, as lead leaches into water when it is left sitting.

The other side of statins: They've saved countless lives - but now doctors fear for some, the side effects could be devastating
Smallholder Paul Rhoades was counting his sheep - as he did every day - when he stopped, unable to focus or remember what he was doing. 'I couldn't remember which sheep I'd counted and which I hadn't,' he recalls. 'Counting was beyond me.'

NHS spends 14% of budget on management, MPs reveal

NHS chief executive David Nicholson is criticised in the Commons report for failing to give accurate figures on staffing levels and costs dedicated to commissioning and billing. The NHS spends 14% of its entire budget - about ?15.4bn a year - on management and administration, an influential Commons committee reveals today. A report by the health select committee accuses the Department of Health of burying the figure, which the MPs claim is due to local NHS organisations' failure to commission services properly.
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