Health news 30th July 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Tribute show raises the roof and funds for charity
SCHOOL friends raised nearly ?1,000 at a tribute concert in memory of a talented teenager who died from complications arising from diabetes.More than 300 people attended the What Would Lewis Do? concert in aid of Diabetes UK and in memory of Lewis Fraser, who died from a heart attack after slipping into a diabetic coma in April.

Teen sets out on home-made bike for charity

Teenager Ben Puddy set off on a cycle ride to raise money for charity on a bike he built himself. Ben, 13, has Type 1 diabetes and has to inject himself with insulin twice a day. He was only diagnosed 18 months ago but wanted to do something to help other people with the condition so he decided to raise cash for Diabetes UK.

Golfers help charity

Mendip Golf Club captain Bob Clark raised almost ?9,000 from his Captain's Day with the promise of more to come for Diabetes UK, his charity for the year. A variety of good causes have now benefited to the tune of almost ?120,000 since 1999, when the day was inaugurated by former captain and chairman Tony Williams.

Get on your bikes for a charity ride around the water
Organisers of a charity bike ride have appealed for more people to sign up. Diabetes UK will host its first sponsored cycle around Rutland Water on Sunday, September 5.

Calcium pills 'increase' risk of heart attack
Calcium supplements taken by many older people could be increasing their risk of a heart attack, research shows. The study, in the British Medical Journal, said people who took supplements were 30% more likely to have a heart attack.

Women 'should not have right to home birth if at risk'

The right of women to choose whether they have home births is being questioned by a top medical journal. The Lancet said mothers-to-be should not be able to opt for them if they put their babies at risk - under UK law women can override medical advice.

Addiction drugs may boost weight loss
A combination pill of two drugs used to treat addiction may help people lose weight, say US researchers. The Lancet reports that Naltrexone, commonly used to treat alcoholics and heroin addicts, and the anti-smoking drug bupropion led to greater weight loss than diet and exercise alone
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