Health news 2nd November 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
MPs deride Lansley's 'nudging' deal with food and drink firms

The deal done by the coalition with food and drink firms in an attempt to improve public health will not solve what are huge problems of obesity and chronic drinking, MPs warn in a report on Wednesday. The Commons health select committee also says the government's other reforms risk widening health inequalities, and that frontline public health services are being cut because of the NHS squeeze, despite ministerial assurances to the contrary.

Two glasses of wine a day could increase breast cancer risk by 50 per cent

Women who drink just two glasses of wine a day are 50 per cent more likely to get breast cancer than those who don?t drink at all, a major study has found. Even those who indulge in only three or four glasses of wine over an entire week ? well within the Government?s recommended limits ? are putting themselves at risk.

How you CAN beat your 'fat genes' and lose weight... with exercise

When getting in to last season?s clothes is a struggle, it is all too easy to tell ourselves that being plump is in our genes. But those cursed with the ?fat gene? are mistakenly shunning exercise in the belief they are powerless to shift those extra pounds, a study claims.

Do more to limit 'chemical cosh' dementia drugs that 'rob patients of their dignity', GPs told.

GPs are still handing out too many ?chemical cosh? drugs to dementia patients which are ?robbing them of their dignity?, a minister will warn today. The Care Services Minister, Paul Burstow, is expected to say that doctors are not doing enough to reduce prescriptions of controversial anti-psychotic medications.

Pill ?to combat ageing?- It mends 'old' cells

A PILL used to treat people who have overdosed on Paracetamol could help slow the ageing process. Research suggests N-acetyl cysteine, or NAC, may prevent the wear and tear on joints and tissues in the elderly.

Peers with private health links have been blasted for "ramming through" NHS reforms

PEERS with private health links were blasted by *Britain?s biggest union last night after backing radical changes to the NHS which leave the service wide open to greedy *profiteers. With the House of Lords discussing the NHS Bill again today, Unite claimed peers with poor voting records helped ?ram through? the legislation.
Good old Virginia Bottomley, 20% attendance rate since 2005 but manages to attend all the health bill debates - talk about looking after your own interests🙄
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