Health news 2nd November 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Poor diets store up health problems for the future
Stocking up on fatty foods and calorie-laden treats isn't just causing our waistlines to expand.

Being overweight and indulging in a poor lifestyle is actually putting more people at risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes UK mentioned.

Call for mandatory salt curbs
Forcing food manufacturers to cut salt levels in processed food could help cut heart disease rates, claim Australian researchers. A theoretical study suggests mandatory salt limits could help reduce heart disease rates by 18% - far more than by using existing voluntary measures.

Exercise 'can prevent a cold', a study shows

People who exercise regularly are less likely to get a cold, researchers say. A study of 1,000 people found that staying active nearly halved the odds of catching cold viruses and, failing that, made the infection less severe.

Jellyfish cells 'diagnose' cancer, York scientists say

Luminous cells from jellyfish can be used to diagnose cancers deep inside the body, scientists have said. The process uses the green fluorescent protein (GFP) enabling jellyfish to glow in the dark.

Are YOUR pills dangerous?

Over-prescribing is so rife that millions of us are given drugs we don't even need, worse, they put you at risk of stroke, kidney failure and deadly infection. When your doctor prescribes a drug it means you really need it, right? Wrong! In fact, every year, millions of Britons are given medicine that?s completely unnecessary or inappropriate.
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