Health news 2nd June 2011

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NHS health reforms could change - Andrew Lansley
Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has said he is ready to accept "substantial and significant" alterations to plans for changes in the NHS in England. He told the Daily Telegraph there could be changes to the health bill "if they help us improve care for patients".

Heart attack fear 'may worsen outcome', study suggests

People with an intense fear of dying during a heart attack could suffer a worse outcome, research suggests. London-led researchers asked 208 patients to rate their levels of fear following a severe cardiac event.

German cucumber E.coli outbreak 'may last months'

The head of the German public health body tackling a deadly E.coli outbreak says it may be months before it stops. Reinhard Burger, president of the Robert Koch Institute, told the BBC "we may never know" the infections' source.

Councils 'need to improve adult social care'

Local councils have improved their adult social care but they need to do more to achieve savings, a watchdog has said. There were nine areas for improvement, the Audit Commission said in its Improving Value for Money in Adult Social Care briefing paper.

Smelly chemicals confuse mosquitoes

Chemicals which interfere with a mosquito's ability to sniff out humans have been developed by US researchers, according to research in Nature. It is hoped they could be used to develop the next generation of mosquito traps and repellents.
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