Health news 2nd August 2011

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Wide waist, narrow mind: How middle age spread can shrink your brain
An expanding waistline and other middle-age vices are not only bad for your heart ? they could cause your brain to shrink, warn researchers. Smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure also take their toll on the grey matter, having an effect on brainpower just ten years later. Researchers said doctors could use the information to pick out patients at a higher risk of dementia and encourage them to improve their lifestyles while there was still time.

Bear chemical brings heart hope

A synthesised compound also found in bear bile may help the recovery of some people who have had a heart attack. A chemical found in bear bile could be used to treat some heart attack victims Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is already used to reduce cholesterol production, and to dissolve gallstones.

Most eight-month-old babies consume too much salt, report says

Almost three quarters of eight-month-old babies consume too much salt because they are fed too much processed food, cow's milk and bread, according to a report. Tinned pasta and salty flavourings such as gravies and yeast extract are among the foodstuffs blamed by the University of Bristol researchers.
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