Health news 29th June 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diet drinks make you fat

Regularly consuming diet fizzy drinks will only make you *fatter, new research shows. Although they have fewer calories, the drinks fail to stop you piling on the pounds ? and could trigger your appetite so that you eat more.

NHS forum GP admits private patient doubts

The government is facing renewed pressure over its health bill after the GP who led its "listening exercise" admitted he should have done more to flag up concerns about private patients in NHS hospitals, and grassroots doctors meeting in Cardiff demanded further changes. Labour warned that the health secretary, Andrew Lansley, was still planning to create a "full-scale market" after Steve Field acknowledged that the government would leave hospitals vulnerable to European Union competition law due to the presence of private patients in NHS hospitals. Concerns about a backdoor privatisation of the NHS prompted David Cameron and Nick Clegg to appoint Field to lead the Future Forum review.

NHS faces 'diabetes time bomb'

The health service could face a "diabetes time bomb" according to an audit of patients in England and Wales. The report says 800,000 Type 1 and Type 2 patients have elevated blood sugar levels which could lead to kidney failure, limb amputation and stroke. It warned that many of the patients were young or middle aged and could require "substantial hospital care in a matter of years". Diabetes UK said the findings highlighted the need for urgent action. Diabetes UK Chief Executive Barbara Young quoted.
Goodness me i'll be sticking to my water 24/7 then just wathing dr chris talk about it now on th is morning.I must admit I dont consume alot of cans in a week id say i have 4
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