Health news 29th February 2012

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Selenium supplements for healthy hair and nails 'can increase risk of type-2 diabetes'
Selenium supplements may be harmful to people who already have enough of the mineral in their diet, a study has found.

Jersey diabetes patients are 'not having checks'
Not enough people with diabetes in Jersey are having regular checks, according to a diabetes consultant. In the UK care for diabetic patients is free but in Jersey the hospital only provides free eye checks. Dr Bates said patients also needed checkups to diagnose further problems such kidney failure and heart problems.

Overweight girl, 17, first teenager to have tummy tube to fool body into thinking it's full
A British 17-year-old girl has become the first overweight teenager to be fitted with a revolutionary device that treats obesity and diabetes.

UK obesity: Is diet or surgery the best cure?
With one in 30 of the UK population now classed as morbidly obese, the NHS is spending increasing amounts on weight-loss stomach surgery. Figures released by the NHS Information Centre last week showed there had been a 30-fold increase in bariatric surgeries in a decade - up from 261 in 2000-01 to 8,087 in 2010-11. While some NHS trusts continue to fund such surgeries for people with life-threatening obesity, others prefer to take a different approach.

Lansley forced to explain 'split' on NHS
Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, was yesterday called to the House of Commons to explain apparent divisions within the Coalition over the Government's Health Bill. Labour demanded that Mr Lansley explain why, if the Government was united on the health reforms, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg had written to Liberal Democrat MPs calling for further amendments to the legislation. But Mr Lansley claimed there was no disunity and said that while the amendments proposed by the Lib Dems were "significant" they were fully backed by him and the Conservatives.

Call to assess nurses for compassion
Nurses should be assessed for their compassion, as well as their academic ability, when they are hired by hospitals and care homes, the Commission for Improving Dignity in Care of Older People recommends. Funds should be withheld from hospitals that failed to meet high dignity standards, the use of offensive terms such as "bed-blocker" should be banned, and ward sisters should be given the authority to hold staff to account.

Does Wii work? Study shows virtual boxing, bowling and dancing do not help children with exercise requirements
They are billed as the perfect way to exercise and have fun, all without having to leave the comfort of your own living room. But playing active video games won't help you stay fit, a study has found.

Hip replacement toxic risk could affect 50,000
Nearly 50,000 hip-replacement patients will need annual medical checks as evidence grows that their metal implants can cause serious health problems, including severe pain and long-term disability. A leading manufacturer of the implants has known about potential dangers to patients since at least 2005, internal documents have revealed. Health regulators and the Department of Health have been aware since 2006.

My fellow doctors are putting greed before their patients
The British Medical Association?s proposal for strikes by doctors is nothing short of shameless ? for such action would inevitably harm patients.

Toxic metal hip implants 'could affect thousands more people than PIP breast scandal'
Almost 50,000 patients with ?metal on metal? hip replacements face increased checks amid fears they may cause serious health problems.

Lung cancer tragedy of the women targeted by cigarette adverts in post-war years
Women are paying a deadly price for being targeted by tobacco advertisers in the post-war years, health experts claimed yesterday. They were responding to research showing that this year more British women will die from lung cancer than any other cancer.

Older mothers fuelling biggest ever baby boom: 900,000 pregnancies in a year beats post-war record
A boom in motherhood among older women has driven up the number of pregnancies to record levels, official figures revealed yesterday. For the first time, more than 900,000 women became pregnant in a year, a level not reached even during the baby boom years after World War Two.
We had a member from Guernsey join 'other DSF' a while ago - and her care was appalling.

Most of us hadn't realised until then that the NHS doesn't stretch that far .....
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